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  1. How do I create an account?
    Kindly refer to the manual

  2. How can I apply for a job?
    Log in to your existing account, complete MyFolio, then look through the job posting for jobs that are relevant to you. Then, click 'apply job' button.

  3. What should I do if I can't register for an account?
    Please check if you are ALREADY a registered user. If you have forgotten your password, click 'Forgot Password' link to reset your password. For enquiries, please contact our administrator.

  4. How can I check the status of my jobs application?
    You can check it at the job application status menu to view your job status.

  5. How do I reschedule my interview session?
    You may contact the employer to reschedule your interview session.

  6. How can I update my resume?
    Login into your account and go to Update MyFolio menu.


  1. How do I register as an employer?
    Kindly refer to the manual

  2. How do I post a job vacancy?
    Login to your existing account, go to Post Job NOW menu, complete the details, then submit and wait for the approval. Upon approval, your job vacancy will be posted.

  3. What should I do if I can't register for an account?
    Please check if you are ALREADY a registered user. If you have forgotten your password, click 'Forgot Password' link to reset your password. For enquiries, please contact our administrator.

  4. Whom should I contact if I have enquiries about my job posting?
    Email us at or call +603 5544 3211/2630/3488 for more information.

  5. How can I amend my job advertisement?
    Kindly contact our admin if you want to amend your job advertisement.

  6. Will there be any charges for the services offered by JobShop UiTM?
    All services in this system are free of charge until further notice.

  7. How do I know if there is any application for my job posting?
    You will receive a notification email from JobShop UiTM.